2.退讓一步 以成全別人, 即是修養,即是修行。
4.修行,得靠自己 精進地啟發 自我靈明的覺性,
5.同道,是指同修間 若有錯誤的行為,
修行 也不能離群隱世。
Reflected on the whispering (1) discussed leads a pious life
1. “Repairs” is cultivates the mind grows the soul, “the line” is the behavior is straight.
2. makes concessions one step to help others, is the tutelage, is leads a pious life.
3. leads a pious life is valued is personally setting an example, said ten feet is inferior to a line of inch.
4. leads a pious life, must depend on oneself strives inspires the self-spirit bright sense nature,
cannot anticipate attains without effort achievement.
5. people of same belief, are refer with repair if has the mistake behavior,
may each other correction, cautious urge mutually.
6. gods are the spirits, passes is wholly absorbed, the heart special god passes, this is “the magical powers”.
7. turns devotionally one custom, the heart is not scattered in disorder has the strength in meditation.
Since 8. people live in society, cannot leave the numerous reasons,
leads a pious life cannot the stray hidden world.
9. all words and deeds manners can the spirit be unified, the intention is consistent, can the absorption in meditation.
10. true imperial sacrifices, are in the daily life are not the bothersome brain delusions.
11. is good at the human who uses the time, constantly is not the good lucky chance which repairs holds meditates.
12. “The abstention” does not have an intention is moved; “Decides” is not on the point of death chaotic;
“Bright” can transport the heart to transfer the boundary.
13. brings other people does own mirror, saw the merit may urge on,
sees the shortcoming to be possible the introspection.